Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Union/Church

Tonight President Obama will address a joint session of Congress and the nation during the annual State of the Union address. A new twist has been added this year- a symbolic gesture by Republicans and Democrats -members will not be seated by party. Early reports state the President will focus on the economy and jobs. Congress and the nation await to hear what plans he has to offer to meet these pressing issues .

What is the state of the union for your congregation?  What would you highlight -or did you highlight in an annual church meeting? Every President while raising issues also reminds the nation about what is good in Amercia. What would you celebrate in  your church?  What ministry has  especially changed lives this past year? What positive trends can you report?

What are the issues facing your church and community?  Are financial  and stewardship issues a major concern?  What is being proposed to deal with this issue? Is your congregation aging? Are 20-30 year s olds missing from your church? How will your ministry need to change?  Have you had to cut staff? How will these cuts effect your ministry? Are your adult members and leaders growing spiritually?

After the speech, comes the hard work.  Will party lines be drawn again and bitter debate begin? It is easy to analyze problems , criticize others, and  it is quite another thing to develop a plan and follow through and work for the common good.  Is there division is your congregation? Is there common ground? Do you have a plan and commitment to follow through no matter the cost?

Recently most Presidents have ended their speech with the call - "May God bless America". God has already  blessed the church with the power and gifts  of the Holy Spirit; we need to  be open to Spirit's leading and power.  

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ML King's Vision & Bedrock Beliefs

At the recent Martin Luther King Breakfast sponsored by Crispus Attucks in Lancaster, Joyce Davis, President of the World Affairs Council of Harrisburg and noted author,   spoke about King’s vision for not only justice and peace at home but globally. Injustices aboard ultimately effect justice in America and injustices in any part of American society effects us all.

She stated that King’s vision was sustained by his bed rock beliefs. His Christian faith and his faith in the American ideals grounded his hope that the vision would one day be fulfilled. King faced many situations that would have deterred and discouraged him that the dream would not be realized. His bed rock beliefs not only sustained him, but guided him in how he would work toward fulfilling the dream (i.e. non violence.)

Do you have a vision for your church? What are the bedrock beliefs that undergird that vision? What are the core values that guide and direct what you do?  A vision without a plan is only a dream, but a plan with no bedrock beliefs can be weak and ineffective. Vision and Mission statements can be broad and general; core values help to focus and give direction—they narrow the road traveled. 

What are  the values and beliefs that give grounding for  your congregation? Is your vision growing dim because you are frustrated; ready to quit or move on? How do your values and beliefs sustain you and your vision?