Friday, January 8, 2010

Resisting Change

As I was preparing to write this Blog on resisting change , I checked my Facebook page and Len Sweet had one of his TD quotes "If you don't like change, you're going to like irrelevance even less." General Eric Shineski.

I was reminded on Epiphany how the establishment hates change. When the three wise men came to Jerusalem and inquired as to where the new born King of the Jews was, Matthew tells us that King Herod and all of his cronies were fearful. King Herod plotted to try to prevent the coming change of a 'new king' by seeking to have the wise men return and tell him where the new born king was (supposedly to worship him, but as we learn, he murdered innocent children in his search).

It is tragic, but often it is persons in positions of leadership ( but who do not really lead) who resist change the most. They are threatened and feel the need to protect the status quo. Herod had his leaders search the scriptures, but it was not for wanting to hear the truth , but to protect his power and position. Scripture is sometimes distorted and used in the church to protect the status quo. Some times persons act in 'un-Christ like' ways to prevent change.

I mentioned in my previous Blog an on- line devotional. This is the current 'benediction'

Look all around you and see what is real.
Hear what is true and be sure what you feel
Touch someone near you in love if you can
Give all you have and be part of God's plan.

Are you, (am I) , a part of God's plan or do we protect our own plans and positions? Will we resist change that is needed and become irrelevant?

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